Joaquín Schmidt

… / more Joaquín Schmidt / dinner of the senses

dinner of the senses


Live a unique experience due to its staging and sensitivity.

How to explain what you feel… When they pull you from yourself to bring you back as a different person, a person who lets things happen, a person whose senses are constantly heightened. And I truly mean heightened and not exacerbated, because here you are the true protagonist. Your own senses decide, and it is your imagination that shapes everything…

Maica Botella
Comunitat Valenciana News

A large group of collaborators – artists rather than hoteliers, less restaurateurs than bohemians, more human beings than just people, and with more chemistry than physics – took it upon themselves to be our eyes, dreams, hands, wings and pinch in the memory, heart, and stomach. With all that, if you don’t feel, it’s because you can’t feel…

Paco Prada
El turista accidental

from the moment you close your eyes until you open them again. But I would rather let you imagine what it is like than reveal the secrets it holds. The surprise, the mystery and a little fear will intensify your experience and make you a bit happier.

Sergio Adelantado

I was living in a golden concrete chest, you just smashed it into a thousand pieces. If I could describe it in colours… they would all be there, even those that do not exist. I enjoyed it very much. I felt like a child being fed by his mother.

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